Category: Vasectomy

Choosing the Right Time for a Vasectomy

A vasectomy is a common and highly effective form of male contraception. It involves a surgical procedure where the vas deferens, which are the tubes that transport sperm from the testicles to the urethra, are cut, sealed, or blocked to prevent sperm from mixing with semen. This makes a vasectomy a permanent form of birth control for men who are sure they don’t want any more children.

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Most Common Vasectomy Misconceptions

Mention the “V” word around some men, and all you will see after that is the back of their heads. There are so many myths and misconceptions about vasectomies, many men don’t even want to hear the word, let alone any explanations or additional information. That’s disappointing, since it is the most effective type of birth control. Stay seated, stay calm, and let us clear up the common vasectomy misconceptions.

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How To Have The Vasectomy Talk

No matter who is doing the talking and who is doing the listening, having the vasectomy talk is rife with awkwardness and pitfalls. Most times it is the female trying to get her man to undergo the procedure, so it is better to have all your facts and talking points in order. Then start slowly. Here are some tips on how to have the vasectomy talk and what to emphasize.

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When Is The Right Time To Get A Vasectomy?

A vasectomy may seem like a permanent fix to most men as it shuts the door on having any or more children. The truth is, that is not the whole story. Half a million men decide to have a vasectomy each year in the US. The decision begins with when is the right time to get a vasectomy and more importantly, is it right for you?

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