Let’s set the record straight right from the beginning, your urine should be pale yellow and clear. Anything else, take note.
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Southland Urology Southland Urology
Let’s set the record straight right from the beginning, your urine should be pale yellow and clear. Anything else, take note.
Continue reading “5 Ways Your Urine Is Telling You That Something Is Wrong With Your Body”
If you’ve experienced kidney stones once, odds are you’ll want to learn how to prevent them from forming again.
While the small, hard masses can be caused by family history and certain medications, there are some preventative measures you can take to ensure you don’t experience kidney stone pain again:
If you had a kidney stone and want to prevent getting them in the future, it’s important to speak to your urologist about the steps you should take. Here are a few questions to ask your physician if you’re concerned about kidney stones:
Contact the office of Southland Urology, at (714) 870-5970, for information on kidney stone prevention.
Southland Urology patient Jim talks about his experience with the UroLift procedure. Dr. Eric Tygenhof and Jim discuss life before and after the treatment, exploring his vast improvement in quality of life. Jim had this one-time, in-office solution and experienced rapid relief and recovery from his BPH symptoms. He is off medications and feeling great! And all without invasive surgery.
We are one of the largest volume UroLift providers in Southern California.
The UroLift System uses a revolutionary approach to treating BPH that lifts and holds the enlarged prostate tissue so it no longer blocks the urethra. It is the only BPH treatment performed by a urologist that does not require heating, cutting, or removal of the prostate tissue. The procedure is typically performed using local anesthesia in the office and typically takes about 20 minutes. Most patients return home the same day without a catheter.
Your Southland Urology physician will help you understand whether you are a good candidate for the UroLift. On average about 75% of patients are candidates for the UroLift procedure. For more information please contact us or request an appointment online today.
Request an Appointment Online Our Offices See More UroLift Testimonials
The doctors of Southland Urology will discuss UroLift therapy at a St. Jude Medical Center community presentation on July 16th at 6 p.m. Most men over 60 have symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Symptoms include frequent urination, slow urination, and getting up at nighttime. UroLift is a revolutionary treatment option for symptoms of an enlarged prostate. This presentation will focus on why most men are eligible for the treatment and how it stacks up against other treatment options.
To RSVP or for more information call (877) 459-3627 or visit http://www.stjudemedicalcenter.org/healthclasses.
Kidney stones can be painful and treatment may be necessary. Dr. Eric Tygenhof sat down with Orange County Catholic to discuss kidney stones. If you or someone you know is suffering from pain due to recurring kidney stones, call Southland Urology today at (714) 870-5970 or request an appointment online.
We are proud to announce the launch of our new website.
Our Fullerton location’s new address is now 1400 N Harbor Blvd Suite 300, Fullerton CA 92835