Category: News

When to See a Men’s Health Specialist

Whether you are the type of person who likes to make face-to-face contact with a men’s health doctor or you prefer a more laid-back and confidential approach online, it is easy to find one of today’s men’s health specialists. Whatever works for you, do it. Your only decision now is when to see a men’s health specialist.

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No-Scalpel Vasectomy vs Traditional Vasectomy: What to Know

If you are thinking about having a vasectomy in the near future, there are many things to consider. Are you absolutely sure you don’t want any more children? Is your partner in full agreement with your decision? Are you positive you wouldn’t want to be a father if you met a new partner? Beyond those questions, it’s important to understand the type of procedure you would like to have. We are here to break down the differences between a no-scalpel and traditional vasectomy. 

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How Smoking Affects Your Risk Of Urologic Conditions

If you are a smoker, you most likely have been admonished for years by friends and relatives to quit. You are aware of the many health problems which can develop from smoking. Yet, you continue unabated. If it was easy to do, you would have already done it, right? Maybe the final impetus will be how smoking affects your risk of urologic conditions.

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How to Make Traveling Easier If You Have Urinary Incontinence

Those with urinary incontinence shouldn’t let that stop them from enjoying life and the activities they love. Traveling by car, train, or airplane can be a bit worrisome, but with a little forethought you can learn how to make traveling easier if you have urinary incontinence.

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