Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction in Orange County, CA

Despite being a very common condition, many men become incredibly embarrassed and frustrated by their erectile dysfunction. Some may even experience daily struggles or a diagnosis of clinical depression as a result of untreated erectile dysfunction.

Fortunately, there are many treatment options available to men with ED, including Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy.

How Does Shockwave Therapy for ED Work?

Although it’s title may sound a bit intimidating, shockwave therapy is actually a very simple process that focuses on improving blood flow to the penis. One major benefit that leads individuals to seek out shockwave therapy is that all treatments are completely non-invasive. Patients are expected to begin with a round of six shockwave treatments over the course of several weeks.

During these routine visits to Southland Urology, your physician will utilize a machine that delivers controlled, focused shockwaves to the area. These electrical impulses will encourage growth of both existing and new blood vessels in the penis, which will help to clear away any plaque or other blockages to allow more blood to flow into the penis.

Once your session is complete, you will be able to return home and carry on with your day as usual. Patients should expect each of their shockwave therapy treatments to last approximately 30 minutes.

What Makes Shockwave Therapy an Effective Solution for Me?

A majority of erectile dysfunction cases lead back to an issue of poor circulation. This may be caused by an identified vascular condition, or the blood vessels may simply not work as well as they used to. Aging can have a hefty influence over this, because as we get older our circulatory system begins to naturally weaken as we decrease activity levels and require less and less blood flow throughout our body.

A key component to shockwave therapy is that it treats a natural condition in a way that allows for an equally natural outcome. Once treatment is complete, the goal is to get men back to enjoying firm, long-lasting erections that allow them to engage in a spontaneous sexual encounters in ways that medications would not.

Schedule an Appointment for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Orange County, CA

Interested in learning more about shockwave therapy and whether or not you may be a candidate for treatment? Call Southland Urology today at (714) 870-5970 to speak with a talented physician about your particular case and which solutions they recommend for you!

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